Soil Organic Carbon

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is sensitive to increasing temperature, land-use changes, and agricultural development and practices. The SOC affects several critical soil functions. Managing soil carbon can enhance soil productivity, and can reduce the severity and costs of natural phenomena, such as drought, flood, and disease.


Soil organic carbon (SOC) has a low volume in soil volume. However, SOC is the most crucial carbon (C) sink and is essential in C sequestration and climate change mitigation. Therefore, it is important to know the controlling factors and spatial and temporal changes in land use/land cover. Thus, in this project, based on the importance on SOC content, we tried to analyze SOC changes over time, space, and environmental controlling factors.


I have implemented this project to answer three main questions:

  1. To investigate the applicability of machine learning models to estimate spatial pattern of soil organic carbon. article1; article2.

  2. To explore the role of environmental factors and land use changes on the spatial pattern of SOC. article1; article2.

  3. To investigate the ability of soil depth functions for producing three dimentional soil information. article1; article2.

Ruhollah Taghizadeh
Ruhollah Taghizadeh
Postdoc Researcher

My research interests include soil mapping, data science, and machine learning